Yuu Jinnai

Project: Parallel Best-First Search
Project: Automated Skill Discovery


Japanese: Open Data Structures
Japanese: ヒューリスティック探索入門

Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by orderedlist

Yuu Jinnai

Researcher, CyberAgent AI Lab


Research Interests

Artificial Intelligence, Reinforcement Learning, Language Model Alignment, Text Generation, Classical Planning, Heuristic Search


c3nlp2024 Jinnai Y. 2024. Does Cross-Cultural Alignment Change the Commonsense Morality of Language Models? Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Cross-Cultural Considerations in NLP (C3NLP Workshop at ACL 2024). Best Paper Award. PAPER TALK MODEL DATASET
icml2024 Jinnai Y, Morimura T, Honda U, Ariu K, Abe K. Model-based minimum bayes risk decoding. Proc. 41st International Conference on Machine Learning. (ICML-24) PAPER CODE TALK
acl2024hyperparameter Jinnai Y, Ariu K. Hyperparameter-Free Approach for Faster Minimum Bayes Risk Decoding. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics. (ACL-24 Findings) PAPER CODE TALK
acl2024diverse Jinnai Y, Honda U, Morimura T, Zhang P. Generating Diverse and High-Quality Texts by Minimum Bayes Risk Decoding. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics. (ACL-24 Findings) PAPER CODE TALK
naacl2024 Ohashi A, Honda U, Morimura T, Jinnai Y. 2024. On the True Distribution Approximation of Minimum Bayes-Risk Decoding. In Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. (NAACL-24) PAPER CODE TALK
lipschitz Lecarpentier E, Abel D, Asadi K, Jinnai Y, Rachelson E, Littman Michael L. 2021. Lipschitz Lifelong Reinforcement Learning. Proc. 35th AAAI conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-21) arXiv Poster CODE
iclr-20 Y. Jinnai, J. Park, M.C. Machado, and G.D. Konidaris. Exploration in Reinforcement Learning with Deep Covering Options. Accepted, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Learning Representations. (ICLR-20) PAPER
alphaX Wang L*, Zhao Y*, Jinnai Y, Tian Y, Fonseca R. 2020. AlphaX: eXploring Neural Architectures with Deep Neural Networks and Monte Carlo Tree Search. Proc. 34th AAAI conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20) *These authors contributed equally to this work. PAPER CODE
options-for-RL Jinnai Y. Park JW, Abel D, Konidaris G. 2019. Discovering Options for Exploration by Minimizing Cover Time. Proc. 36th International Conference on Machine Learning. (ICML-19) PAPER CODE TALK
options-for-planning Jinnai Y, Abel D, Hershkowitz E, Littman M, Konidaris G. 2019. Finding Options that Minimize Planning Time. Proc. 36th International Conference on Machine Learning. (ICML-19) PAPER CODE TALK
options-for-RL Jinnai Y, Abel D, Park JW, Hershkowitz E, Littman M, Konidaris G. 2019. Skill Discovery with Well-Defined Objectives. ICLR Worshop on Structure and Priors in Reinforcement Learning. PAPER
aaai-19 Abel D, Arumugam D, Asadi K, Jinnai Y, Littman M, Wong L. S. 2019. State Abstraction as Compression in Apprenticeship Learning. Proc. 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-19). PAPER CODE
icml-18 Abel D*, Jinnai Y*, Guo Y, Konidaris G, Littman M. 2018. Policy and Value Transfer for Lifelong Reinforcement Learning. Proc. 35th International Conference on Machine Learning. (ICML-18) *These authors contributed equally to this work. PAPER POSTER CODE TALK by D. Abel
book Fukunaga A, Botea A, Jinnai Y, Kishimoto A. 2018. Parallel A* for State-Space Search. Handbook of Parallel Constraint Reasoning, Youssef Hamadi, Lakhdar Sais (eds.), Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-63515-6. BOOK
hsdip Jinnai Y, Fukunaga A. 2017. A Graph-Partitioning Based Approach for Parallel Best-First Search. ICAPS 2017 Workshop on Heuristic and Search for Domain-Independent Planning (HSDIP). PAPER SLIDES POSTER CODE
aaai-17 Jinnai Y, Fukunaga A. 2017. Learning to Prune Dominated Action Sequences in Online Black-box Planning. Proc. 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. (AAAI-17) PAPER SLIDES CODE
jair-17 Jinnai Y, Fukunaga A. 2017. On Hash-Based Work Distribution Methods for Parallel Best-First Search. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. (JAIR) PAPER CODE
pastar-survey (Preprint) Fukunaga A., Botea A, Jinnai Y., Kishimoto A. 2017. A Survey of Parallel A*. arXiv 1708.05296 PAPER
icaps-16 Jinnai Y, Fukunaga A. 2016. Automated Creation of Efficient Work Distribution Functions for Parallel Best-First Search. Proc. 19th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling. (ICAPS-16) PAPER SLIDES VIDEO CODE
aaai-16 Jinnai Y, Fukunaga A. 2016. Abstract Zobrist Hashing: An Efficient Work Distribution Method for Parallel Best-First Search. Proc. 30th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. (AAAI-16) PAPER POSTER CODE (PDDL) CODE (sliding-tile, path-finding, MSA)





